First Blog! / Primeiro Blog! 🎭 Sora #1 🎭

Hey there! 

Sawatdee-kub! I'm sora. and this is my first blog


Sawatdee-kub! Eu sou o Sora, e esse é o meu primeiro post

(I but i write something for some reason and this is my first time writing blog)

Some story :>

(Eu escrevo, mas por outros motivos; essa é minha primeira vez escrevendo em um blog!)

Hora da história :>

When i first joined brs48 audition i feel nervous a lot and worry that what if anyone cant speak english and i was the only one from other country ;-; and then passs the audition and met with angle that great me with cheerful welcome, she tell me about rule in brs48 and other thing in brs48.

After i was in team kenkyusei i talk with other people that was in same generation as me i can't belive how much great it was, it very fun to talk :>, i hope i can talk to other generation too ;-; but i must learn portugues languague :V 

Quando eu entrei no BRS48, eu fiquei muito nervoso e preocupado: "E se ninguém falar inglês?". Eu também achava que era o único membro de outro país ;-; E então eu passei na audição, e conheci o anjo que foi ótimo comigo, e me deu boas vindas muito animadas! Ela me falou sobre as regras do BRS48 e outras coisas sobre o grupo!

Depois que eu entrei pro Team Kenkyuusei, eu comecei a falar com outras pessoas da mesma geração que eu, e eu não consigo acreditar o quão legal foi, todos são muito divertidos de se conversar! :> Eu espero que eu consiga falar com outras gerações, também ;-; Mas pra isso tenho que aprender português :V

and you may ask who that angle. well,    Maybe I'm into her >//<
she is macchan :> she's now my first kami-oshi on brs48 !!

sim i made :>

E você deve estar se perguntando quem é esse anjo, bem,
é a Macchan :> ela é agora minha primeira kami-oshi no brs48!!

Esse é um sim que eu fiz! :>

                                    Now, some bad thing happen with me that made me very MAD

Yesterday my twitter (AkiMina) got locked cause of under 13 (actually i'm 14 but the bot thought i was under 13) That made me feel very mad after that I talk with the group about it, macchan-sama said that twitetr will not unlock it, that made me feel very mad but I avoid saying bad words because it wasn't polite and then guies start calling me a good boy AGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH  
but it fine since i'm the youngest boi in the group right?  :<                         hmph >:(

 my alter ego almost come out

Agora, uma coisa ruim aconteceu, que me deixou muito BRAVO

Ontem meu twitter (AkiMina) me trancou porque achou que eu tinha 13 anos (eu tenho 14, mas o bot achou que eu tinha 13). Isso me fez me sentir muito brava, e quando eu falei sobre isso no grupo, a macchan-sama disse que o twitter não vai destrancar, e isso me deixou muito bravo, mas eu evito falar palavrões, poque não é educado, e então o guies me chamou de um bom menino AGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH  
Mas tudo bem, já que eu sou o menino mais novo do grupo, certo? :<                        hmph
 meu alter ego quase escapou

but whatever I start create new twitter accout name SoraSore (@sorasore2) <---- don't forget to follow :>
I still mad at twitter >:((((

Mas, de qualquer maneira, eu criei um twitter novo, com o nome SoraSore (@sorasore2) <---- não esqueça de seguir :>


  1. WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA, loved the post! 💖💖 I felt so flattered reading it LKJSÇDOGIASDG I'm super happy that your happy to be in the group!! Let's all work hard together from now on, so that everyone can have a lot of fun! I'm super happy to have you on the group 💗

    1. I'm happy to be here too :> , it was super nice to meet you a lot !!
      Thank you for being our best captain ever ^-^

    2. Edit : *for be the best captain ever

  2. Este comentário foi removido pelo autor.

  3. Oh, I'm so happy you actually mentioned me on your post ♥ (as I said privately to you but I really wanted to leave a comment so here we are...)

    I see you play The Sims, I really enjoy this game (my favorite one is the 2nd game) but unfortunately I don't have the time to play it for several hours straight as I used to do... :(
    Hope someday we can talk about it more, I really like sharing my family "SIMstories" haha xD

    See ya, good boy!

  4. Hi, Sora! \o/ Your post is super cute! I'm sure we will have a lot of fun in the group! Keep going \o/ 💝

  5. OMG, Sora is only 14 years old !!!! 😮😮😮 I'm really looking forward to getting to know you better, even though I still have not been able to talk to you. Darucchan here, I hope we'll be friends 😁😁

    1. I hope so! Hope we can talk anytime and become best friend :3

  6. Oh my God you are sooooooo cute! Hope we have fun together, Sora! I'm from Team Kenkyuusei too, I'm gonna follow you at Twitter (my user is @hakatabitch) and hope we'll be friends :3
    You can talk to me anytime, alright?

  7. I'm so happy because you made your first post here <3
    I'm so happy too because you became a member with us <3
    From the other side of the world we can feel your passion to sing with us <3
    One more time, welcome to BRS48 Family <3

    1. Thank you for your warming welcome alot.
      I'm glad to be here!
      and Nice to meet you. :3


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