My future plan 🎭 Sora #4 🎭

Ola everyone.

How was your day? Mine was fine. As you guys know that I will finish my graduation in April 30th. I will miss you guys a lot, and even through I won't be an BRS48 member now, I will still remember everyone. Captain, Team B, Team R, 5th Generation.

So, about my future plan, I actually told some members that I will try auditions in Kpop entertainment, and The Entertainment that I focus on are Cube Entertainment and Big Hit Entertainment.
I know that after this I may have to work hard and train to become real artist but, I will try harder and try to shine as much as I can.

Thank you to fan, members, captain, everyone.

See you later, BRS48.

Olá, todo mundo.

Como foi seu dia? O meu foi bom! Como vocês sabem, eu estarei finalizando minhas atividades do dia 30 de Abril. Eu vou sentir muito a falta de todos, e mesmo que eu não seja mais um membro do BRS48, vou me lembrar de todos. Capitães, Team B, Team R, 5th Generation.

Sobre os meus planos para o futuro, eu contei para alguns membros que estarei fazendo audições na indústria de K-pop, focando na Cube Entertainment e Big Hit Entertainment. Daqui pra frente, pode ser que eu tenha que me esforçar muito para conseguir me tornar um artista, mas eu vou dar o meu melhor para brilhar o máximo que puder.

Muito obrigada, fãs, membros, capitã, todos.

Vejo vocês logo, BRS48.


  1. I'm not gonna be too long here, cause I already told you I'm gonna write a proper letter, hehe
    Sorachan, thank you for everything now. Meeting you was amazing, and I hope we can keep talking from now on as well, even if we're both really busy! Let's promise, ok?!
    Daisuki, sorachan!

  2. Good luck Sorachan! We'll gonna miss you a lot :(((


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